1. Sánchez-Villar, Á., Bai, Z., Bertelli, N., Bethel, E. W., Hillairet, J., Perciano, T., Shiraiwa, S., Wallace, G. M., & Wright, J. (2024). Real-time capable modeling of ICRF heating on NSTX and WEST via machine learning approaches. Nuclear Fusion. https://doi.org/10.1088/1741-4326/ad645d
  2. Balewski, J., Amankwah, M. G., Beeumen, R. V., Bethel, E. W., Perciano, T., & Camps, D. (2024). Quantum-parallel vectorized data encodings and computations on trapped-ions and transmons QPUs. Nature Scientific Reports, 14(1). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-53720-x
  3. Bethel, E. W., Cramer, V., del Rio, A., Narins, L., Pestano, C., Verma, S., Arias, E., Bertelli, N., Perciano, T., Shiraiwa, S., Villar, Á. S., Wallace, G., & Wright, J. C. (2024). Case Study: Leveraging GenAI to Build AI-based Surrogates and Regressors for Modeling Radio Frequency Heating in Fusion Energy Science. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, LBNL-2001609. https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.06122


  1. Bethel, E. W., Amankwah, M. G., Balewski, J., Beeumen, R. V., Camps, D., Huang, D., & Perciano, T. (2023). Quantum Computing and Visualization: A Disruptive Technological Change Ahead. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 43(6). https://doi.org/10.1109/MCG.2023.3316932
  2. Loring, B., Bethel, E. W., Weber, G., & Mahoney, M. W. (2023). Extensions to the SENSEI In situ Framework for Heterogeneous Architectures. Proceedings of the SC ’23 Workshops of The International Conference on High Performance Computing, Network, Storage, and Analysis, 868–874. https://doi.org/10.1145/3624062.3624161
  3. Wallace, G. M., Wright, J. C., Arias, E. J., Bethel, E. W., Bai, Z., Perciano, T., Bertellie, N., Sánchez-Villar, Á., & Shiraiwa, S. (2023, October). Predicting Radio Frequency Heating And Current Drive Profiles With Fast Surrogate Models Powered By Machine Learning. 29th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2023). https://www.iaea.org/sites/default/files/23/10/cn-316_fec_preliminary_program.pdf
  4. Kulkarni, S., Loring, B., & Bethel, E. W. (2023, November). Towards a Scalable In Situ Fast Fourier Transform. ISAV 2023: In Situ Infrastructures for Enabling Extreme-Scale Analysis and Visualization, a SC23 Workshop. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2402.01843
  5. Sánchez-Villar, Á., Bertelli, N., Shiraiwa, S., Bai, Z., Perciano, T., Hillairet, J., Bethel, E. W., Wallace, G., & Wright, J. C. (2023, November). Development of surrogate models for the TORIC IRCF spectrum solver using ML algorithms. 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics. Abstract: NP11.00048.
  6. Sánchez-Villar, Á., Bai, Z., Bertelli, N., Bethel, E. W., Hillairet, J., Perciano, T., Shiraiwa, S., Wallace, G., & Wright, J. C. (2023, November). Methodology for surrogate modeling implementation: application to the ICRF wave absorption forward problem. 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics. Abstract: BO05.00015.


  1. Wallace, G. M., Bai, Z., Sadre, R., Perciano, T., Bertelli, N., Shiraiwa, S., Bethel, E. W., & Wright, J. C. (2022). Towards fast and accurate predictions of radio frequency power deposition and current profile via data-driven modelling: applications to lower hybrid current drive. Journal of Plasma Physics, 88(4), 895880401. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0022377822000708
  2. Amankwah, M., Camps, D., Bethel, E. W., Beeumen, R. V., & Perciano, T. (2022). Quantum pixel representations and compression for N-dimensional images. Nature Scientific Reports. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-11024-y
  3. Zhang, S., Sadre, R., Legg, B. A., Pyles, H., Perciano, T., Bethel, E. W., Baker, D., Rübel, O., & Yoreo, J. J. D. (2022). Rotational dynamics and transition mechanisms of surface-adsorbed proteins. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(16), e2020242119. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2020242119
  4. Wallace, G., Bai, Z., Bertelli, N., Bethel, E. W., Perciano, T., Sadre, R., Shiraiwa, S., & Wright, J. C. (2022, September). Overview and status of the FES Scientific Machine Learning Project "Accelerating Radio Frequency Modeling Using Machine Learning". Proceedings of the 24th Topical Conference on Radio-Frequency Power in Plasmas (TCRFPP).
  5. Bethel, E. W., Loring, B., Ayatchit, U., Camp, D., Duque, E. P. N., Ferrier, N., Insley, J., Gu, J., Kress, J., O’Leary, P., Pugmire, D., Rizzi, S., Thompson, D., Weber, G. H., Whitlock, B., Wolf, M., & Wu, K. (2022). The SENSEI Generic In Situ Interface: Tool and Processing Portability at Scale. In H. Childs, J. Bennett, & C. Garth (Eds.), In Situ Visualization for Computational Science. Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-81627-8_13
  6. Bethel, E. W., Loring, B., Ayatchit, U., Camp, D., Duque, E. P. N., Ferrier, N., Insley, J., Gu, J., Kress, J., O’Leary, P., Pugmire, D., Rizzi, S., Thompson, D., Weber, G., Whitlock, B., Wolf, M., & Wu, K. (2022). Proximity Portability and In Transit, M-to-N Data Partitioning and Movement in SENSEI. In H. Childs, J. Bennett, & C. Garth (Eds.), In Situ Visualization for Computational Science. Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-81627-8_20


  1. Bethel, E. W., Heinemann, C., & Perciano, T. (2021). Performance Tradeoffs in Shared-memory Platform Portable Implementations of a Stencil Kernel. In M. Larsen & F. Sadlo (Eds.), Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization. The Eurographics Association. https://doi.org/10.2312/pgv.20211043 \urlhttps://escholarship.org/uc/item/22q2t9cg.
  2. Wright, J., Wallace, G., Bethel, E. W., Bai, Z., Perciano, T., Sadre, R., Bertelli, N., & Shiraiwa, S. (2021). Overview and status of the FES Scientific Machine Learning Project "Accelerating Radio Frequency Modeling Using Machine Learning". Proceedings of the 63rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, 66. TM10.00002.
  3. Loring, B., Marsaglia, N. J., & Bethel, E. W. (2021, June). The SENSEI Generic In Situ Interface’s Use of Ascent as an Endpoint. ISC Digital, Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on In Situ Visualization. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5795233


  1. Peterka, T., Bard, D., Bennett, J. C., Bethel, E. W., Oldfield, R. A., Pouchard, L., Sweeney, C., & Wolf, M. (2020). Priority research directions for in situ data management: Enabling scientific discovery from diverse data sources. The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications. https://doi.org/10.1177/1094342020913628
  2. Childs, H., Ahern, S., Ahrens, J., Bauer, A. C., Bennett, J., Bethel, E. W., Bremer, P.-T., Brugger, E., Cottam, J., Dorier, M., Dutta, S., Favre, J., Fogal, T., Frey, S., Garth, C., Geveci, B., Godoy, W. F., Hansen, C. D., Harrison, C., … Ziegler, S. B. (2020). A Terminology for In Situ Visualization and Analysis Systems. International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/1094342020935991
  3. Perciano, T., Heinemann, C., Camp, D., Lessley, B., & Bethel, E. W. (2020, June). Shared-memory Parallel Probabilistic Graphical Modeling Optimization: Comparison of Threads, OpenMP, and Data-Parallel Primitives. Proceedings of ISC High Performance 2020. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-50743-5_7
  4. Loring, B., Wolf, M., Kress, J., Shudler, S., Gu, J., Rizzi, S., Logan, J., Ferrier, N., & Bethel, E. W. (2020). Improving Performance of M-to-N Processing and Data Redistribution in In Transit Analysis and Visualization. In S. Frey, J. Huang, & F. Sadlo (Eds.), Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization (EGPGV). The Eurographics Association. https://doi.org/10.2312/pgv.20201073 \urlhttps://escholarship.org/uc/item/9cn390hq.
  5. Bethel, E. W., Camp, D., Perciano, T., & Heinemann, C. (2020). Performance Analysis of Traditional and Data-Parallel Primitive Implementations of Visualization and Analysis Kernels (LBNL-2001365; Number LBNL-2001365). Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. https://arxiv.org/abs/2010.02361 \urlhttps://arxiv.org/abs/2010.02361.


  1. Gu, J., Loring, B., Wu, K., & Bethel, E. W. (2019). HDF5 As a Vehicle for in Transit Data Movement. Proceedings of the Workshop on In Situ Infrastructures for Enabling Extreme-Scale Analysis and Visualization, 39–43. https://doi.org/10.1145/3364228.3364237


  1. Loring, B., Myers, A., Camp, D., & Bethel, E. W. (2018). Python-based in situ analysis and visualization. Proceedings of the Workshop on In Situ Infrastructures for Enabling Extreme-Scale Analysis and Visualization - ISAV ’18. https://doi.org/10.1145/3281464.3281465 Best Paper Award Finalist.
  2. Lessley, B., Perciano, T., Hienemann, C., Camp, D., Childs, H., & Bethel, E. W. (2018, October). DPP-PMRF: Rethinking Optimization for a Probabilistic Graphical Model Using Data-Parallel Primitives. 8th IEEE Symposium on Large Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV). https://doi.org/10.1109/LDAV.2018.8739239


  1. Perciano, T., Ushizima, D., Krishnan, H., Parkinson, D., Larson, N., Pelt, D. M., Bethel, W., Zok, F., & Sethian, J. (2017). Insight into 3D micro-CT data: exploring segmentation algorithms through performance metrics. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 24(5), 1065–1077. https://doi.org/10.1107/S1600577517010955
  2. Heinemann, C., Perciano, T., Ushizima, D., & Bethel, E. W. (2017, December). Distributed Memory Parallel Markov Random Fields using Graph Partitioning. Fourth International Workshop on High Performance Big Graph Data Management, Analysis, and Mining (BigGraphs 2017), in Conjunction with IEEE BigData 2017. https://doi.org/10.1109/BigData.2017.8258318
  3. Lessley, B., Perciano, T., Mathai, M., Childs, H., & Bethel, E. W. (2017, October). Maximal Clique Enumeration with Data Parallel Primitives. 7th IEEE Symposium on Large Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV). https://doi.org/10.1109/LDAV.2017.8231847
  4. Bethel, E. W. (2017, October). Towards a Data-Centric Research and Development Roadmap for Large-scale Science User Facilities. 13th IEEE International Conference on EScience. https://doi.org/10.1109/eScience.2017.72 \urlhttps://doi.org/10.1109/eScience.2017.72.
  5. Bethel, E. W., Camp, D., Childs, H., Krishnan, H., Loring, B., Morozov, D., Rübel, O., Perciano, T., Ushizima, D., & Weber, G. (2017, March). Towards Exascale: High Performance Visualization and Analytics. U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research Computer Science Principle Investigators Meeting: Resilience, SSIO, Design Space, and Scientific Data Management, Analysis, and Visualization (SMDAV).
  6. Bethel, E. W., Loring, B., Morozov, D., Sim, A., Weber, G. H., Ferrier, N., Vishwanath, V., Schwaan, K., Wolf, M., Duque, E., Whitlock, B., Ayachit, U., & O’Leary, P. (2017, March). Scalable Analysis Methods and In Situ Infrastructure for Extreme Scale Knowledge Discovery. U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research Computer Science Principle Investigators Meeting: Resilience, SSIO, Design Space, and Scientific Data Management, Analysis, and Visualization (SMDAV).


  1. Ushizima, D. M., Bale, H. A., Bethel, E. W., Ercius, P., Helms, B. A., Krishnan, H., Grinberg, L. T., Haranczyk, M., Macdowell, A. A., Odziomek, K., Parkinson, D. Y., Perciano, T., Ritchie, R. O., & Yang, C. (2016). IDEAL: Images Across Domains, Experiments, Algorithms and Learning. Journal Of Materials, 1–10. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11837-016-2098-4
  2. Bauer, A. C., Abbasi, H., Ahrens, J., Childs, H., Geveci, B., Klasky, S., Moreland, K., O’Leary, P., Vishwanath, V., Whitlock, B., & Bethel, E. W. (2016). In Situ Methods, Infrastructures, and Applications on High Performance Computing Platforms, a State-of-the-art (STAR) Report. Computer Graphics Forum, Proceedings of Eurovis 2016, 35(3). https://doi.org/10.1111/cgf.12930
  3. Rübel, O., Loring, B., Vay, J. L., Grote, D. P., Lehe, R., Bulanov, S., Vincenti, H., & Bethel, E. W. (2016). WarpIV: In Situ Visualization and Analysis of Ion Accelerator Simulations. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 36(3), 22–35. https://doi.org/10.1109/MCG.2016.62
  4. Bethel, E. W., Greenwald, M., van Dam, K. K., Parashar, M., Wild, S. M., & Wiley, H. S. (2016, October). Management, Analysis, and Visualization of Experimental and Observational Data – The Convergence of Data and Computing. Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE 12th International Conference on EScience. https://doi.org/10.1109/eScience.2016.7870902
  5. Ayachit, U., Bauer, A., Duque, E. P. N., Eisenhauer, G., Ferrier, N., Gu, J., Jansen, K., Loring, B., Lukić, Z., Menon, S., Morozov, D., O’Leary, P., Rasquin, M., Stone, C. P., Vishwanath, V., Weber, G. H., Whitlock, B., Wolf, M., Wu, K. J., & Bethel, E. W. (2016, November). Performance Analysis, Design Considerations, and Applications of Extreme-scale In Situ Infrastructures. ACM/IEEE International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC16). https://doi.org/10.1109/SC.2016.78
  6. Ayachit, U., Whitlock, B., Wolf, M., Loring, B., Geveci, B., Lonie, D., & Bethel, E. W. (2016, November). The SENSEI Generic In Situ Interface. Proceedings of In Situ Infrastructures for Enabling Extreme-Scale Analysis and Visualization (ISAV 2016). https://doi.org/10.1109/ISAV.2016.013
  7. Perciano, T., Ushizima, D., Bethel, E. W., Mizrahi, Y., & Sethian, J. (2016, September). Reduced-complexity Image Segmentation Under Parallel Markov Random Field Formulation Using Graph Partitioning. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). https://doi.org/10.1109/ICIP.2016.7532560
  8. Bauer, A. C., Jansen, K. E., Bethel, E. W., Ayachit, U., Rasquin, M., Matthews, B., & Jordan, S. (2016, November). In Situ Analysis and Visualization at Scale with PHASTA and ParaView Catalyst on Mira and Theta. SC16 Scientific Visualization Showcase.
  9. Nguyen, H., Stone, D., & Bethel, E. W. (2016, October). Statistical Projections for Multi-dimensional Visual Data Exploration. 6th IEEE Symposium on Large Data Analysis and Visualization.
  10. Bethel, E. W., & (eds.), M. G. (2016). Report of the DOE Workshop on Management, Analysis, and Visualization of Experimental and Observational data – The Convergence of Data and Computing. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. https://doi.org/doi.org/10.2172/1525145
  11. Nguyen, H. T., Stone, D., & Bethel, E. W. (2016). Statistical Projections for Multi-resolution, Multi-dimensional Visual Data Exploration and Analysis. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.


  1. Bethel, E. W., Camp, D., Donofrio, D., & Howison, M. (2015, May). Improving Performance of Structured-memory, Data-Intensive Applications on Multi-core Platforms via a Space-Filling Curve Memory Layout. International Workshop on High Performance Data Intensive Computing, an IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS) Workshop. https://doi.org/10.1109/IPDPSW.2015.71
  2. Bethel, E. W., Camp, D., Childs, H., Krishnan, H., Loring, B., Morozov, D., Rübel, O., Perciano, T., Ushizima, D., & Weber, G. (2015, January). Towards Exascale: High Performance Visualization and Analytics. U. S. Department of Energy Scientific Data Management, Analysis, and Visualization (SMDAV) Program-Wide PI Meeting.
  3. Bethel, E. W., Loring, B., Morozov, D., Sim, A., Weber, G. H., Ferrier, N., Vishwanath, V., Schwaan, K., Wolf, M., Duque, E., Whitlock, B., Ayachit, U., & O’Leary, P. (2015, January). Scalable Analysis Methods and In Situ Infrastructure for Extreme Scale Knowledge Discovery. U. S. Department of Energy Scientific Data Management, Analysis, and Visualization (SMDAV) Program-Wide PI Meeting.
  4. Bowen, B., Greiner, A., Cholia, S., Louie, K. B., Bethel, E. W., Northen, T. R., & Rübel, O. (2015, February). A web-based portal for next generation mass spectrometry imaging experiments. AAAS Annual Meeting.
  5. Bethel, E. W. (2015). zorder-lib: Library API for Z-Order Memory Layout. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.


  1. Howison, M., & Bethel, E. W. (2014). GPU-Accelerated Denoising of 3D Magnetic Resonance Images. Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, 1–12. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11554-014-0436-8
  2. Rubel, O., Geddes, C. G. R., Chen, M., Cormier-Michel, E., & Bethel, E. W. (2014). Feature-Based Analysis of Plasma-Based Particle Acceleration Data. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 20(2), 196–210. https://doi.org/10.1109/TVCG.2013.107
  3. Agranovsky, A., Camp, D., Garth, C., Bethel, E. W., Joy, K. I., & Childs, H. (2014). Improved Post Hoc Flow Analysis Via Lagrangian Representations. Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Large Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV), 67–75. https://doi.org/10.1109/LDAV.2014.7013206 Best Paper Award.
  4. Bowen, B., Greiner, A., Cholia, S., Louie, K. B., Bethel, E. W., Northen, T. R., & Rübel, O. (2014, June). A web-based portal for next generation mass spectrometry imaging experiments. ASM 2014.


  1. Rübel, O., Greiner, A., Cholia, S., Louie, K., Bethel, E. W., Northen, T. R., & Bowen, B. P. (2013). OpenMSI: A High-Performance Web-Based Platform for Mass Spectrometry Imaging. Analytical Chemistry, 85(21), 10354–10361. https://doi.org/10.1021/ac402540a
  2. Williams, D., Doutriaux, C., Patchett, J., Williams, S., Shipman, G., Miller, R., Steed, C., Krishnan, H., Silva, C., Chaudhary, A., Bremer, P.-T., Pugmire, D., Bethel, E. W., Childs, H., Prabhat, M., Geveci, B., Bauer, A., Pletzer, A., Poco, J., … Koop, D. (2013). Ultrascale Visualization of Climate Data. IEEE Computer, 46(9), 68–76. https://doi.org/10.1109/MC.2013.119
  3. Childs, H., Geveci, B., Schroeder, W. J., Meredith, J. S., Moreland, K., Sewell, C., Kuhlen, T., & Bethel, E. W. (2013). Research Challenges for Visualization Software. IEEE Computer, 46(5), 34–42. https://doi.org/10.1109/MC.2013.179
  4. Camp, D., Bethel, E. W., & Childs, H. (2013). Transitioning Data Flow-Based Visualization Software to Multi-Core Hybrid Parallelism. 3rd International Workshop on Data-Flow Execution Models for Extreme Scale Computing (DFM 2013), 41–44. https://doi.org/10.1109/DFM.2013.12
  5. Camp, D., Krishnan, H., Pugmire, D., Garth, C., Johnson, I., Bethel, E. W., Joy, K. I., & Childs, H. (2013). GPU Acceleration of Particle AdvectionWorkloads in a Parallel, Distributed Memory Setting. Proceedings of EuroGraphics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization, 1–8. https://doi.org/10.2312/EGPGV/EGPGV13/001-008
  6. Bethel, E. W., Prabhat, Byna, S., Rübel, O., Wu, K. J., & Wehner, M. (2013, February). Why High Performance Visual Data Analytics is Both Relevant and Difficult. Visualization and Data Analysis, IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging 2013. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2010980
  7. Wu, K., Bethel, E. W., Gu, M., Leinweber, D., & Rübel, O. (2013). A Big Data Approach to Analyzing Market Volatility. Social Science Research Network (SSRN). https://doi.org//urlhttp://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2274991


  1. Ushizima, D. M., Morozov, D., Weber, G. H., Bianchi, A. G. C., Sethian, J. A., & Bethel, E. W. (2012). Augmented Topological Descriptors of Pore Networks for Material Science. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proc. IEEE Vis 2012), 18(12), 2041–2050. https://doi.org/10.1109/TVCG.2012.200
  2. Krishnan, H., Meyer, J., Romosan, A., Childs, H., & Bethel, E. W. (2012). Enabling advanced environmental management via remote and distributed visual data exploration and analysis. Computing and Visualization in Science, 15(3), 123–133. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00791-013-0204-5
  3. Meyer, J., Bethel, E. W., Horsman, J. L., Hubbard, S. S., Krishnan, H., Romosan, A., Keating, E. H., Monroe, L., Strelitz, R., Moore, P., Taylor, G., Torkian, B., Johnson, T. C., & Gorton, I. (2012). Visual Data Analysis as an Integral Part of Environmental Management. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 18(12), 2088–2094. https://doi.org/10.1109/TVCG.2012.278
  4. Howison, M., Bethel, E. W., & Childs, H. (2012). Hybrid Parallelism for Volume Rendering on Large-, Multi-, and Many-Core Systems. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 18(1), 17–29. https://doi.org/10.1109/TVCG.2011.24
  5. Bethel, E. W., Leinweber, D., Rübel, O., & Wu, K. (2012). Federal Market Information Technology in the Post-Flash Crash Era: Roles for Supercomputing. Journal of Trading, 7(2). https://doi.org/10.3905/jot.2012.7.2.009
  6. Bethel, E. W., & Howison, M. (2012). Multi-core and Many-core Shared-memory Parallel Raycasting Volume Rendering Optimization and Tuning. International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 26(4), 399–412. https://doi.org/10.1177/1094342012440466
  7. Byna, S., Chou, J., Rubel, O., Prabhat, Karimabadi, H., Daughter, W. S., Roytershteyn, V., Bethel, E. W., Howison, M., Hsu, K.-J., Lin, K.-W., Shoshani, A., Uselton, A., & Wu, K. (2012). Parallel I/O, analysis, and visualization of a trillion particle simulation. SC ’12: Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis. https://doi.org/10.1109/SC.2012.92
  8. Bethel, E. W., Byna, S., Chou, J., Cormier-Michel, E., Geddes, C. G. R., Howison, M., Li, F., Prabhat, Qiang, J., Rübel, O., Ryne, R. D., Wehner, M., & Wu, K. (2012, August). Big Data Analysis and Visualization: What Do LINACS and Tropical Storms Have In Common? 11th International Computational Accelerator Physics Conference, ICAP 2012. https://escholarship.org/uc/item/2s74j5fm
  9. Balman, M., Pouyoul, E., Yao, Y., Bethel, E. W., Loring, B., Prabhat, Shalf, J., Sim, A., & Tierney, B. L. (2012, June). Experiences with 100G Network Applications. Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Data Intensive and Distributed Computing (DIDC 2012). https://crd.lbl.gov/assets/pubs_presos/didc-report.pdf
  10. Prabhat, Rübel, O., Byna, S., Wu, K., Li, F., Wehner, M., & Bethel, E. W. (2012, June). TECA: A Parallel Toolkit for Extreme Climate Analysis. Third Worskhop on Data Mining in Earth System Science (DMESS 2012) at the International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2012). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2012.04.093
  11. Bethel, E. W., Childs, H., & Hansen, C. (Eds.). (2012). High Performance Visualization—Enabling Extreme-Scale Scientific Insight. CRC Press/Francis–Taylor Group. https://doi.org/10.1201/b12985
  12. Bethel, E. W., Camp, D., Childs, H., Garth, C., Howison, M., Joy, K. I., & Pugmire, D. (2012). Hybrid Parallelism. In E. W. Bethel, H. Childs, & C. Hansen (Eds.), High Performance Visualization—Enabling Extreme-Scale Scientific Insight (pp. 261–290). CRC Press/Francis–Taylor Group. \urlhttp://www.crcpress.com/product/isbn/9781439875728.
  13. Bethel, E. W., & Howison, M. (2012). Performance Optimization and Auto-tuning. In E. W. Bethel, H. Childs, & C. Hansen (Eds.), High Performance Visualization—Enabling Extreme-Scale Scientific Insight (pp. 307–329). CRC Press/Francis–Taylor Group. \urlhttp://www.crcpress.com/product/isbn/9781439875728.
  14. Bethel, E. W., & Miller, M. (2012). Remote and Distributed Visualization Architectures. In E. W. Bethel, H. Childs, & C. Hansen (Eds.), High Performance Visualization—Enabling Extreme-Scale Scientific Insight (pp. 25–48). CRC Press/Francis–Taylor Group. \urlhttp://www.crcpress.com/product/isbn/9781439875728.
  15. Hansen, C., Bethel, E. W., Ize, T., & Brownlee, C. (2012). Rendering. In E. W. Bethel, H. Childs, & C. Hansen (Eds.), High Performance Visualization—Enabling Extreme-Scale Scientific Insight (pp. 49–60). CRC Press/Francis–Taylor Group. \urlhttp://www.crcpress.com/product/isbn/9781439875728.
  16. Rübel, O., Bethel, E. W., Prabhat, & Wu, K. (2012). Query-Driven Visualization and Analysis. In E. W. Bethel, H. Childs, & C. Hansen (Eds.), High Performance Visualization—Enabling Extreme-Scale Scientific Insight (pp. 117–144). CRC Press/Francis–Taylor Group. \urlhttp://www.crcpress.com/product/isbn/9781439875728.
  17. Childs, H., Pugmire, D., Ahern, S., Whitlock, B., Howison, M., Prabhat, Weber, G., & Bethel, E. W. (2012). Visualization at Extreme Scale Concurrency. In E. W. Bethel, H. Childs, & C. Hansen (Eds.), High Performance Visualization—Enabling Extreme-Scale Scientific Insight (pp. 291–306). CRC Press/Francis–Taylor Group. \urlhttp://www.crcpress.com/product/isbn/9781439875728.
  18. Childs, H., Brugger, E., Whitlock, B., Meredith, J., Ahern, S., Pugmire, D., Biagas, K., Miller, M., Weber, G. H., Krishnan, H., Fogal, T., Sanderson, A., Garth, C., Bethel, E. W., Camp, D., Rübel, O., Durant, M., Favre, J., & Navratil, P. (2012). VisIt: An End-User Tool for Visualizing and Analyzing Very Large Data. In E. W. Bethel, H. Childs, & C. Hansen (Eds.), High Performance Visualization—Enabling Extreme-Scale Scientific Insight (pp. 357–372). CRC Press/Francis–Taylor Group. \urlhttp://www.crcpress.com/product/isbn/9781439875728.
  19. Rübel, O., Keränen, S. V. E., Biggin, M. D., Knowles, D. W., Weber, G. H., Hagen, H., Hamann, B., & Bethel, E. W. (2012). Linking Advanced Visualization and MATLAB for the Analysis of 3D Gene Expression Data. In L. Linsen, B. Hamann, H. Hagen, & H.-C. Hege (Eds.), Visualization in Medicine and Life Sciences II, Progress and New Challenges (pp. 267–285). Springer Verlag. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-21608-4_15
  20. Rübel, O., Geddes, C. G. R., Chen, M., Cormier-Michel, E., & Bethel, E. W. (2012, October). Query-driven Analysis of Plasma-based Particel Acceleration Data. Poster Abstracts of IEEE VisWeek 2012.
  21. Byna, S., Chou, J., Rubel, O., Prabhat, Karimabadi, H., Daughton, W. S., Roytershteyn, V., Bethel, E. W., Howison, M., Hsu, K.-J., Lin, K.-W., Shoshani, A., Uselton, A., & Wu, K. (2012, September). Parallel Data Storage, Analysis, and Visualization of a Trillion Particles. Extremely Large Databases and Data Management.
  22. Bethel, E. W., Ross, R., Liao, W.-K., Prabhat, Schuchardt, K., Bremer, P.-T., Rübel, O., Byna, S., Wu, K., Li, F., Wehner, M., Patchett, J., Shen, H.-W., Pugmire, D., & Williams, D. (2012, September). Recent Advances in Visual Data Exploration and Analysis of Climate Data. SciDAC 3 Principal Investigator Meeting.
  23. Bethel, E. W., Camp, D., Childs, H., Howison, M., Krishnan, H., Loring, B., Meyer, J., Prabhat, Rübel, O., Ushizima, D., & Weber, G. (2012). Towards Exascale: High Performance Visualization and Analytics – Project Status Report. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
  24. Bethel, E. W. (2012). Exploration of Optimization Options for Increasing Performance of a GPU Implementation of a Three-Dimensional Bilateral Filter. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.


  1. Howison, M., Bethel, E. W., & Childs, H. (2011). Hybrid Parallelism for Volume Rendering on Large, Multi- and Many-core Systems. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Preprints.
  2. Gosink, L. J., Garth, C., Anderson, J. C., Bethel, E. W., & Joy, K. I. (2011). An Application of Multivariate Statistical Analysis for Query-Driven Visualization. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 17(3), 264–275. https://doi.org/10.1109/TVCG.2010.80
  3. Chou, J., Howison, M., Austin, B., Wu, K., Bethel, J. Q. E. W., Shoshani, A., Rübel, O., Prabhat, & Ryne, R. D. (2011). Parallel Index and Query for Large Scale Data Analysis. Proceedings of 2011 International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, 30:1–30:11. https://doi.org/10.1145/2063384.2063424
  4. Zhuo, W., Prabhat, Paciorek, C., Kaufman, C., & Bethel, E. W. (2011). Parallel Kriging Analysis for Large Spatial Datasets. 2012 IEEE 12th International Conference on Data Mining Workshops, 38–44. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICDMW.2011.134
  5. Ushizima, D., Parkinson, D., Nico, P., Ajo-Franklin, J., Macdowell, A., Kocar, B., Bethel, E. W., & Sethian, J. (2011, August). Statistical Segmentation and Porosity Quantification of 3D X-Ray Microtomorgraphy. XXXIV Applications of Digital Image Processing: Proceedings of SPIE 2011. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.892809
  6. Bethel, E. W., Leinweber, D., Rübel, O., & Wu, K. (2011, November). Federal Market Information Technology in the Post Flash Crash Era: Roles of Supercomputing. Workshop on High Performance Computational Finance at SC11. https://doi.org/10.1145/2088256.2088267 (authors in alphabetical order).
  7. Bethel, E. W., van Rosendale, J., Southard, D., Gaither, K., Childs, H., Brugger, E., & Ahern, S. (2011). Visualization at Supercomputing Centers: The Tale of Little Big Iron and the Three Skinny Guys. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 31(1), 90–95.


  1. Childs, H., Pugmire, D., Ahern, S., Whitlock, B., Howison, M., Prabhat, Weber, G., & Bethel, E. W. (2010). Extreme Scaling of Production Visualization Software on Diverse Architectures. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 30(3), 22–31. https://doi.org/10.1109/MCG.2010.51
  2. Gosink, L. J., Garth, C., Anderson, J. C., Bethel, E. W., & Joy, K. I. (2010). An Application of Multivariate Statistical Analysis for Query-Driven Visualization. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 99(RapidPosts). https://doi.org/http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/TVCG.2010.80
  3. Rübel, O., Weber, G. H., Huang, M.-Y., Bethel, E. W., Biggin, M. D., Fowlkes, C. C., Hendriks, C. L., Keränen, S. V. E., Eisen, M. B., Knowles, D. W., Malik, J., Hagen, H., & Hamann, B. (2010). Integrating Data Clustering and Visualization for the Analysis of 3D Gene Expression Data. IEEE Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 7(1), 64–79. https://doi.org/10.1109/TCBB.2008.49
  4. Howison, M., Bethel, E. W., & Childs, H. (2010, July). Hybrid Parallelism for Volume Rendering on Large, Multi-core Systems. Proceedings of SciDAC 2010.
  5. Weber, G. H., Ahern, S., Bethel, E. W., Borovikov, S., Childs, H. R., Deines, E., Garth, C., Hagen, H., Hamann, B., Joy, K. I., Martin, D., Meredith, J., Prabhat, Pugmire, D., Rübel, O., Van Straalen, B., & Wu, K. (2010). Recent Advances in VisIt: AMR Streamlines and Query-Driven Visualization. Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma Flows: Astronum-2009 (Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series), 429, 329–334. https://escholarship.org/uc/item/2rs135v0 LBNL-3185E.
  6. Howison, M., Bethel, E. W., & Childs, H. (2010, June). Hybrid Parallelism for Volume Rendering on Large, Multi-core Systems. Proceedings of Astronum 2010.
  7. Howison, M., Adelmann, A., Bethel, E. W., Gsell, A., Oswald, B., & Prabhat. (2010). H5hut: A high-performance I/O library for particle-based simulations. 2010 IEEE International Conference On Cluster Computing Workshops and Posters (CLUSTER WORKSHOPS). https://doi.org/10.1109/CLUSTERWKSP.2010.5613098
  8. Rübel, O., Ahern, S., Bethel, E. W., Biggin, M. D., Childs, H., Cormier-Michel, E., DePace, A., Eisen, M. B., Fowlkes, C. C., Geddes, C. G. R., Hagen, H., Hamann, B., Huang, M.-Y., Keränen, S. V. E., Knowles, D. W., Hendriks, C. L. L., Malik, J., Meredith, J., Messmer, P., … Wu, K. (2010, May). Coupling Visualization and Data Analysis for Knowledge Discovery from Multi-dimensional. Procedia Computer Science, Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Science, ICCS 2010. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2010.04.197
  9. Howison, M., Bethel, E. W., & Childs, H. (2010, May). MPI-hybrid Parallelism for Volume Rendering on Large, Multi-core Systems. Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics And Visualization (EGPGV). https://doi.org/10.2312/EGPGV/EGPGV10/001-010 Best Paper Award.
  10. Ushizima, D., Geddes, C., Cormier-Michel, E., Bethel, E. W., Jacobsen, J., Prabhat, Rübel, O., Weber, G., Hamann, B., Messmer, P., & Hagen, H. (2010). Automated Detection and Analysis of Particle Beams in Laser-plasma Accelerator Simulations. In Y. Zhang (Ed.), Machine Learning (pp. 367–389). In-Tech. https://www.osti.gov/biblio/986491 ISBN 978-953-307-033-9.
  11. Bethel, E. W. (2010). Using wesBench to Study the Rendering Performance of Graphics Processing Units. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.


  1. Bethel, E. W., Johnson, C., Ahern, S., Bell, J., Bremer, P.-T., Childs, H., Cormier-Michel, E., Day, M., Deines, E., Fogal, T., Garth, C., Geddes, C. G. R., Hagen, H., Hamann, B., Hansen, C., Jacobsen, J., Joy, K., Krüger, J., Meredith, J., … Wu., K. (2009). Occam’s Razor and Petascale Visual Data Analysis. Journal of Physics Conference Series, Proceedings of SciDAC 2009, 180, 012084.
  2. Wu, K., Ahern, S., Bethel, E. W., Chen, J., Childs, H., Cormier-Michel, E., Geddes, C. G. R., Gu, J., Hagen, H., Hamann, B., Koegler, W., Laurent, J., Meredith, J., Messmer, P., Otoo, E., Perevoztchikov, V., Poskanzer, A., Prabhat, Rübel, O., … Zhang, W.-M. (2009). FastBit: Interactively Searching Massive Data. Journal of Physics Conference Series, Proceedings of SciDAC 2009, 180, 012053.
  3. Rübel, O., Geddes, C. G. R., Cormier-Michel, E., Wu, K., Prabhat, Weber, G. H., Ushizima, D. M., Messmer, P., Hagen, H., Hamann, B., & Bethel, W. (2009). Automatic Beam Path Analysis of Laser Wakefield Particle Acceleration Data. IOP Computational Science & Discovery, 2(015005 (38pp). https://doi.org/10.1088/1749-4699/2/1/015005 LBNL-2734E.
  4. Kamil, S., Chan, C., Williams, S., Oliker, L., Shalf, J., Howison, M., Bethel, E. W., & Prabhat. (2009, May). A Generalized Framework for Auto-tuning Stencil Computations. Proceedings of Cray User Group Conference. https://www.osti.gov/biblio/1407077 Best Paper Award.
  5. Gosink, L., Wu, K., Bethel, E. W., Owens, J. D., & Joy, K. I. (2009). Data Parallel Bin-based Indexing for Answering Queries on Multi-core Architectures. 21st International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management (SSDBM), 5566, 110–129. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-02279-1_9
  6. Bethel, E. W., Childs, H., Mascarenhas, A., Pascucci, V., & Prabhat. (2009). Scientific Data Managment Challenges in High Performance Visual Data Analysis. In A. Shoshani & D. Rotem (Eds.), Scientific Data Management: Challenges, Existing Technology, and Deployment. Chapman & Hall/CRC Press.
  7. Garth, C., Deines, E., Joy, K. I., Bethel, E. W., Childs, H., Weber, G., Ahern, S., Pugmire, D., Sanderson, A., & Johnson, C. (2009). Twists and Turns: Vector Field Visual Data Analysis for Petascale Computational Science. SciDAC Review, 15, 10–21.
  8. Geddes, C. G. R., Cormier-Michel, E., Esarey, E. H., Schroeder, C. B., Vay, J.-L., Leemans, W. P., Bruhwiler, D. L., Cary, J. R., Cowan, B., Durant, M., Hamill, P., Messmer, P., Mullowney, P., Nieter, C., Paul, K., Shasharina, S., Veitzer, S., Weber, G., Rübel, O., … Wu, K. (2009). Large Fields for Smaller Facility Sources. SciDAC Review, 13, 13–21.
  9. Bethel, E. W. (2009). High Performance, Three-Dimensional Bilateral Filtering. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. LBNL-1601E, \urlhttps://escholarship.org/uc/item/27g0w91s.


  1. Gosink, L. J., Anderson, J. C., Bethel, E. W., & Joy, K. I. (2008). Query-Driven Visualization of Time-Varying Adaptive Mesh Refinement Data. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Special Issue: Proceedings of IEEE Visualization 2008), 14(6), 1715–1722. https://doi.org/10.1109/TVCG.2008.157
  2. Paul, B., Ahern, S., Bethel, E. W., Brugger, E., Cook, R., Daniel, J., Lewis, K., Owen, J., & Southard, D. (2008). Chromium Renderserver: Scalable and Open Remote Rendering Infrastructure. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 14(3), 627–639. https://doi.org/10.1109/TVCG.2007.70631
  3. Chen, J., Yoon, I., & Bethel, E. W. (2008). Interactive, Internet Delivery of Visualization via Structured, Prerendered Multiresolution Imagery. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 14(2), 302–312. https://doi.org/10.1109/TVCG.2007.70428
  4. Ushizima, D., Rübel, O., Prabhat, Weber, G., Bethel, E. W., Aragon, C., Geddes, C., Cormier-Michel, E., Hamann, B., Messmer, P., & Hagen, H. (2008). Automated Analysis for Detecting Beams in Laser Wakefield Simulations. 2008 Seventh International Conference on Machine Learning And Applications, Proceedings of IEEE ICMLA’08, 382–387. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICMLA.2008.69
  5. Rübel, O., Prabhat, Wu, K., Childs, H., Meredith, J., Geddes, C. G. R., Cormier-Michel, E., Ahern, S., Weber, G. H., Messmer, P., Hagen, H., Hamann, B., & Bethel, E. W. (2008, November). High Performance Multivariate Visual Data Exploration for Extemely Large Data. Proceeedings of Supercomputing 2008. https://doi.org/10.1109/SC.2008.5214436
  6. Bethel, E. W., Rübel, O., Prabhat, Wu, K., Weber, G. H., Pascucci, V., Childs, H., Mascarenhas, A., Meredith, J., & Ahern, S. (2008). Modern Scientific Visualization is More than Just Pretty Pictures. Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma Flows: Astronum-2008 (Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series), 301–317. https://www.osti.gov/biblio/953686
  7. Weber, G. H., Beckner, V. E., Childs, H., Ligocki, T. J., Miller, M., van Straalen, B., & Bethel, E. W. (2008). Visualization of Scalar Adaptive Mesh Refinement Data. Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma Flows: Astronum-2007 (Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series), 385, 309–320.
  8. Bethel, E. W. (2008). RM/OpenRM Scene Graph Programming Guide. R3vis Corporation. Commercial product, discontinued.
  9. Rübel, O., Weber, G. H., Huang, M.-Y., Bethel, E. W., Keränen, S. V. E., Fowlkes, C. C., Hendriks, C. L. L., DePace, A. H., Simirenko, L., Eisen, M. B., Biggin, M. D., Hagen, H., Malik, J., Knowles, D. W., & Hamann, B. (2008). PointCloudXplore 2: Visual Exploration of 3D Gene Expression. In C. Garth, H. Hagen, & M. Hering-Bertram (Eds.), Visualization of Large and Unstructured Data Sets. Gesellschaft fuer Informatik (GI). https://doi.org/10.2172/928314
  10. Bethel, E. W., Johnson, C., Hansen, C., Silva, C., Parker, S., Sanderson, A., Myers, L., Cole, M., Tricoche, X., Ahern, S., Ostrouchov, G., Pugmire, D., Daniel, J., Meredith, J., Pascucci, V., Childs, H., Bremer, P.-T., Mascarenhas, A., Joy, K., … Prabhat. (2008). Seeing the Unseeable. SciDAC Review, 8, 24–33.
  11. Rübel, O., Prabhat, Wu, K., Childs, H., Meredith, J., Geddes, C. G. R., Cormier-Michel, E., Ahern, S., Weber, G. H., Messmer, P., Hagen, H., Hamann, B., & Bethel, E. W. (2008). Application of High-performance Visual Analysis Methods to Laser Wakefield Particle Acceleration Data. In IEEE Visualization 2008.
  12. Bethel, E. W., Johnson, C. R., Aragon, C., Prabhat, Rübel, O., Weber, G., Pascucci, V., Childs, H., Bremer, P.-T., Mascarenhas, A., Whitlock, B., Ahern, S., Meredith, J., Ostrouchov, G., Joy, K., Hamann, B., Garth, C., Cole, M., Hansen, C., … Tricoche, X. (2008, April). DOE SciDAC Visualization and Analytics Center for Enabling Technologies. 2008 DOE ASCR CS PI Meeting.
  13. Gosink, L. J., Wu, K., Bethel, E. W., Owens, J. D., & Joy, K. I. (2008). Bin-Hash Indexing: A Parallel Method for Fast Query Processing. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.


  1. Joy, K. I., Miller, M., Childs, H., Bethel, E. W., Clyne, J., Ostrouchov, G., & Ahern, S. (2007). Frameworks for Visualization at the Extreme Scale. Journal of Physics Conference Series – SciDAC 2007, 78, 012035. https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/78/1/012035
  2. Bethel, E. W., Johnson, C., Joy, K., Ahern, S., Pascucci, V., Childs, H., Cohen, J., Duchaineau, M., Hamann, B., Hansen, C., Laney, D., Lindstrom, P., Meredith, J., Ostrouchov, G., Parker, S., Silva, C., Sanderson, A., & Tricoche, X. (2007). SciDAC Visualization and Analytics Center for Enabling Technology. Journal of Physics Conference Series – SciDAC 2007, 78, 012032. https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/78/1/012032
  3. Gosink, L., Anderson, J. C., Bethel, E. W., & Joy, K. I. (2007). Variable Interactions in Query-Driven Visualization. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings of Visualization 2007), 13(6), 1400–1407. https://doi.org/10.1109/tvcg.2007.70519 Best Paper Award Finalist.
  4. Jacobsen, J. S., Joyner, D. C., Borglin, S. E., Hazen, T. C., Arkin, A. P., & Bethel, E. W. (2007). Visualization of Growth Curve Data from Phenotype Microarray Experiments. Information Visualization, 2007. IV ’07. 11th International Conference, 535–544. https://doi.org/10.1109/IV.2007.131
  5. Weber, G. H., Beckner, V. E., Childs, H., Ligocki, T. J., Miller, M., van Straalen, B., & Bethel, E. W. (2007). Visualization Tools for Adaptive Mesh Refinement Data. In W. Benger, R. Heinzel, W. Kapferer, W. Schoor, M. Tyagi, S. Venkataraman, & G. H. Weber (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th High End Visualization Workshop (pp. 12–25). Lehmans Media. https://www.osti.gov/biblio/925532
  6. Adelmann, A., Gsell, A., Oswald, B., Schietinger, T., Bethel, E. W., Shalf, J., Siegerist, C., & Stockinger, K. (2007). Progress on H5Part: A Portable High Performance Parallel Data Interface for Electromagnetic Simulations. Particle Accelerator Conference PAC07 25–29 June 2007, Albuquerque NM. https://doi.org/10.1109/PAC.2007.4440437
  7. Bethel, E. W., Johnson, C. R., Aragon, C., Prabhat, Rübel, O., Weber, G., Pascucci, V., Childs, H., Bremer, P.-T., Whitlock, B., Ahern, S., Meredith, J., Ostrouchov, G., Joy, K., Hamann, B., Garth, C., Cole, M., Hansen, C., Parker, S., … Tricoche, X. (2007). DOE’s SciDAC Visualization and Analytics Center for Enabling Technologies - Strategy for Petascale Visual Data Analysis Success. CTWatch Quarterly, 3(4).
  8. Bethel, E. W., Chen, J., & Yoon, I. (2007). Interactive, Internet Delivery of Visualization via Structured, Prerendered Imagery. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
  9. Bethel, E. W., Gosink, L., & Joy, K. I. (2007). Variable Interactions in Query-Driven Visualization. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
  10. Bethel, E. W., Rübel, O., & Weber, G. (2007). Visualization and Analysis of 3D Gene Expression Data. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
  11. Weber, G., Childs, H., Bonnell, K., Meredith, J., Miller, M., Whitlock, B., & Bethel, E. W. (2007). Production-quality Tools for Adaptive Mesh Refinement Visualization. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.


  1. Bethel, E. W., Johnson, C., Hansen, C., Parker, S., Sanderson, A., Silva, C., Tricoche, X., Pascucci, V., Childs, H., Cohen, J., Duchaineau, M., Laney, D., Lindstrom, P., Ahern, S., Meredith, J., Ostrouchov, G., Joy, K., & Hamann, B. (2006). VACET: Proposed SciDAC2 Visualization and Analytics Center for Enabling Technologies. Journal of Physics Conference Series – SciDAC 2006, 46, 561–569. https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/46/1/078
  2. Ryne, R. D., Qiang, J., Bethel, E. W., Pogorelov, I., Shalf, J., Siegerist, C., Venturini, M., Dragt, A. J., Adelmann, A., Abell, D., Amundson, J., Spentzouris, P., Neri, F., Walstrom, P., Mottershead, C. T., & Samulyak, R. (2006, October). Recent Progress on the Marylie/Impact Beam Dynamics Code. International Computational Accelerator Physics Conference. https://www.osti.gov/biblio/902811
  3. Stockinger, K., Bethel, E. W., Campbell, S., Dart, E., & and Kesheng Wu. (2006, November). Detecting Distributed Scans Using High-Performance Query-Driven Visualization. SC ’06: Proceedings of the 2006 ACM/IEEE Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis. https://doi.org/10.1145/1188455.1188542
  4. Bethel, E. W., Campbell, S., Dart, E., Stockinger, K., & Wu, K. (2006). Accelerating Network Traffic Analysis Using Query-Driven Visualization. Proceedings of 2006 IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology, 115–122. https://doi.org/10.1109/VAST.2006.261437
  5. Gosink, L., Shalf, J., Stockinger, K., Wu, K., & Bethel, E. W. (2006). HDF5-FastQuery: Accelerating Complex Queries on HDF Datasets using Fast Bitmap Indices. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management, 149–158. https://doi.org/10.1109/SSDBM.2006.27
  6. Chen, J., Bethel, E. W., & Yoon, I. (2006). Interactive, Internet Delivery of Scientific Visualization via Structured, Prerendered Imagery. In S. Santini, R. Schettini, & T. Gevers (Eds.), Proceedings of 2006 SPIE/IS&T Conference on Electronic Imaging, Volume 6061, A 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.643142
  7. Bethel, E. W., Johnson, C., Hansen, C., Parker, S., Sanderson, A., Silva, C., Trichoche, X., Pascucci, V., Childs, H., Cohen, J., Duchaineau, M., Laney, D., Lindstrom, P., Ahern, S., Meredith, J., Ostouchov, G., Joy, K. I., & Hamann, B. (2006, June). Meet the Proposed SciDAC2 Visualization and Analytics Center for Enabling Technologies. SciDAC 2006 Program Conference.
  8. Wu, K., Stockinger, K., Shoshani, A., & Bethel, E. W. (2006). Fastbit – Helps Finding the Proverbial Needle in a Haystack. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
  9. Bethel, E. W., Gosink, L., Shalf, J., Stockinger, K., & Wu, K. (2006). HDF5-FastQuery: An API for Simplifying Access to Data Storage, Retrieval, Indexing and Querying. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
  10. Bethel, E. W., Campbell, S., Dart, E., Shalf, J., Stockinger, K., & Wu, K. (2006). High Performance Visualization Using Query-Driven Visualization and Analytics. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.


  1. Shah, N., Couronne, O., Pennacchio, L., Brudno, M., Batzoglou, S., Bethel, E. W., Rubin, E., Hamann, B., & Dubchak, I. (2005). Phylo-VISTA: Interactive Visualization of Multiple DNA Sequence Alignments. Bioinformatics, 20(5), 636–643. https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btg459
  2. Stockinger, K., Shalf, J., Wu, K., & Bethel, E. W. (2005). Query-Driven Visualization of Large Data Sets. Proceedings of IEEE Visualization 2005, 167–174. https://doi.org/10.1109/VIS.2005.84
  3. Co, C., Friedman, A., Grote, D., Vay, J.-L., Bethel, E. W., & Joy, K. I. (2005). Interactive Methods for Exploring Particle Simulation Data. Proceedings of EuroVis 2005, 279–286. https://doi.org/10.2312/VisSym/EuroVis05/279-286
  4. Stockinger, K., Shalf, J., Bethel, E. W., & Wu, K. (2005). DEX: Increasing the Capability of Scientific Data Analysis Pipelines by Using Efficient Bitmap Indices to Accelerate Scientific Visualization. Proceedings of Scientific and Statistical Database Management Conference (SSDBM), 35–44. https://doi.org/10.2172/837248
  5. Gosink, L., Shalf, J., Stockinger, K., Wu, K., & Bethel, E. W. (2005, November). HDF5-FastQuery: Accelerating Complex Queries on HDF Datasets using Fast Bitmap Indices. 2005 HDF5 Workshop.
  6. Stockinger, K., Wu, K., Campbell, S., Lau, S., Fisk, M., Gavrilov, E., Kent, A., Davis, C., Olinger, R., Young, R., Prewitt, J., Weber, P., Caudell, T., Bethel, E. W., & Smith, S. (2005, November). Network Traffic Analysis with Query-Driven Visualization – SC05 HPC Analytics Challenge Results. SC ’05: Proceedings of the 2005 ACM/IEEE Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis.
  7. Bethel, E. W., & Shalf, J. (2005). Consuming Network Bandwidth with Visapult. In C. Hansen & C. Johnson (Eds.), The Visualization Handbook (pp. 569–589). Elsevier. \urlhttp://vis.lbl.gov/Publications/2003/LBNL-52171-VisapultChapter.pdf.
  8. Lu, T.-C., Max, N., Ding, J., Bethel, E. W., & Crivelli, S. N. (2005). DockingShop: A Tool for Interactive Molecular Docking. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
  9. Bethel, E. W., Campbell, S., Dart, E., Lee, J., Smith, S. A., Stockinger, K., Tierney, B., & Wu, K. (2005). Interactive Analysis of Large Network Data Collections Using Query-Driven Visualization. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
  10. Bethel, E. W. (2005). Infrastructure for Scalable and Interoperable Visualization and Analysis Software Technology. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
  11. Bethel, E. W., & Shalf, J. (2005). Algorithms, Frameworks and Toolsets for Remote and Distributed Visualization. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
  12. Lu, T.-C., Max, N., Ding, J., Bethel, E. W., & Crivelli, S. N. (2005). DockingShop: A Tool for Interactive Molecular Docking. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.


  1. Crivelli, S., Kreylos, O., Hamann, B., Max, N., & Bethel, E. W. (2004). ProteinShop: A Tool for Interactive Protein Manipulation and Steering. Journal of Computer Aided Molecular Design (JCAMD), 18(4), 271–285. https://doi.org/10.1023/B:JCAM.0000046822.54719.4f
  2. Bowman, I., Shalf, J., Ma, K.-L., & Bethel, E. W. (2004). Performance Modeling for 3D Visualization in a Heterogeneous Computing Environment. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
  3. Bethel, E. W., Shalf, J., Cristina Siegerist, K. J., Ma, K.-L., & Hamann, B. (2004). Remote and Distributed High Performance Scientific Visualization – Terabytes to Insights. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
  4. Shalf, J., Siegerist, C., & Bethel, E. W. (2004). Personal Display Wall. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
  5. Siegerist, C., Shalf, J., & Bethel, E. W. (2004). Visportal: Increasing Scientific Productivity by Simplifying Access to and Use of Remote Computational Resources. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
  6. Siegerist, C., Shalf, J., & Bethel, E. W. (2004). Interactive Remote and Distributed Visualization of Fusion Simulation Results. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
  7. Bowman, I., Shalf, J., Ma, K.-L., & Bethel, E. W. (2004). Performance Modeling for 3D Visualization in a Heterogeneous Computing Environment. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.


  1. Shalf, J., & Bethel, E. W. (2003). The grid and future visualization system architectures. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 23(2), 6–9. https://doi.org/10.1109/MCG.2003.1185573
  2. Shalf, J., & Bethel, E. W. (2003). Grid-Distributed Visualizations Using Connectionless Protocols. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 23(2), 51–59. https://doi.org/10.1109/MCG.2003.1185580
  3. Jankun-Kelly, T. J., Kreylos, O., Shalf, J., Ma, K.-L., Hamann, B., Joy, K. I., & Bethel, E. W. (2003). Deploying Web-based Visual Exploration Tools on the Grid. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 23(2), 40–49. https://doi.org/10.1109/MCG.2003.1185579
  4. Kreylos, O., Max, N., Hamann, B., Crivelli, S., & Bethel, E. W. (2003). Interactive Protein Manipulation. Proceedings of IEEE Visualization 2003, 581–588. https://doi.org/10.1109/VISUAL.2003.1250423 Best Application Paper Award.
  5. Bethel, E. W., Humphreys, G., Paul, B., & Brederson, J. D. (2003). Sort-First, Distributed Memory Parallel Visualization and Rendering. Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Large-Data Visualization and Graphics, 41–50. https://doi.org/10.1109/PVGS.2003.1249041
  6. Weber, G., Öhler, M., Kreylos, O., Shalf, J., Bethel, E. W., Hamann, B., & Scheuermann, G. (2003). Parallel Cell Projection Rendering of Adaptive Mesh Refinement Data. IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Large-Data Visualization and Graphics, 51–60. https://doi.org/10.1109/PVGS.2003.1249042
  7. Bethel, E. W., Siegerist, C., Shalf, J., Shetty, P., Jankun-Kelly, T. J., Kreylos, O., & Ma, K.-L. (2003, June). VisPortal: Deploying Grid-Enabled Visualization Tools through a Web-portal Interface. Wide Area Collaborative Environments. https://escholarship.org/uc/item/6mt7085p
  8. Kreylos, O., Bethel, E. W., Ligocki, T. J., & Hamann, B. (2003). Virtual-Reality Based Interactive Exploration of Multiresolution Data. In G. Farin, B. Hamann, & H. Hagen (Eds.), Hierarchical and Geometrical Methods in Scientific Visualization. Mathematics and Visualization. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-55787-3_13
  9. Siegerist, C., Shetty, P., E. Wes Bethel, T. J. J.-K., Kreylos, O., Ma, K.-L., & Shalf, J. (2003, June). VisPortal: Deploying Grid-enabled Visualization Tools Through a Web-portal Interface. Wide Area Collaborative Environments Workshop.
  10. Shah, N., Couronne, O., Pennacchio, L., Brudno, M., Batzoglou, S., Bethel, E. W., Rubin, E., Hamann, B., & Dubchak, I. (2003). Phylo-Vista: An Interactive Visualization Tool for Multiple DNA Sequence Alignments. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
  11. Bethel, E. W. (2003). Sort-First Distributed Memory Parallel Visualization and Rendering with OpenRM Scene Graph and Chromium. R3vis Corporation.


  1. Bethel, E. W., Bastacky, S. J., & Schwartz, K. (2002). Interactive Stereo Electron Microscopy Enhanced with Virtual Reality. In A. Woods, J. Merritt, S. Benton, & M. Bolas (Eds.), Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 4660: Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems IX (pp. 391–400). https://doi.org/10.1117/12.468055
  2. Bethel, E. W., Frank, R., & Brederson, J. D. (2002). Combining a Multithreaded Scene Graph System with a Tiled Display Environment. In A. Woods, J. Merritt, S. Benton, & M. Bolas (Eds.), Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 4660: Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems IX (pp. 430–436). https://doi.org/10.1117/12.468060
  3. Bethel, E. W. (2002). Remote and Distributed Visualization at Berkeley Lab. MICS PI Meeting.
  4. Shalf, J., & Bethel, E. W. (2002). Cactus and Visapult: A Case Study of Ultra-High Performance Distributed Visualization Using Connectionless Protocols. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
  5. Kreylos, O., Weber, G., Bethel, E. W., Shalf, J., Hamann, B., & Joy, K. (2002). Remote Interactive Direct Volume Rendering of AMR Data. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.


  1. Bethel, E. W. (2001). OpenRM Scene Graph Thread Safety and Multistage Rendering. R3vis Corporation.
  2. Bethel, E. W., & Brederson, J. D. (2001). Hierarchical Parallelism in a Scene Graph. R3vis Corporation.


  1. Bethel, E. W. (2000). Visualization Dot Com. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 20(3), 17–20. http://vis.lbl.gov/Publications/2000/LBNL-44871-VisapultCGAMay2000.pdf
  2. Bethel, W., Tierney, B., lee, J., Gunter, D., & Lau, S. (2000). Using High-speed WANs and Network Data Caches to Enable Remote and Distributed Visualization. Supercomputing ’00: Proceedings of the 2000 ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing (CDROM). https://doi.org/10.1109/SC.2000.10002
  3. Bethel, E. W. (2000, July). Visapult – A Prototype Remote and Distributed Application and Framework. Proceedings of ACM Siggraph 2000 – Applications and Sketches. http://vis.lbl.gov/Publications/2000/LBNL-45215-VisapultSiggraph2000.pdf
  4. Bethel, E. W. (2000). Applications Development with OpenRM and CAVElib. R3vis Corporation.
  5. Bethel, E. W. (2000, January). What is a Scene Graph and Why Should You Care? Tom’s Hardware (Online). \urlhttp://www.tomshardware.co.uk/primer,review-2462.html.


  1. Bethel, E. W., & Bastacky, S. J. (1999). Measurement of Perceived Objects. Proceedings of IEEE Visualization: Late Breaking Hot Topics, 53–56. https://vis.lbl.gov/archive/Publications/1999/LBNL-43446-VirtualProtractor.pdf
  2. Bethel, E. W. (1999). RM Scene Graph Technical White Paper. R3vis Corporation.


  1. Bethel, E. W., Campbell, K., Lau, N. J. S., & Ligocki, T. (1997). Considerations for a Threaded Haptic Interface for Scientific Visualization and Computing. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.


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  2. Bethel, E. W. (1995, September). Virtual Reality and Scientific Visualization. EPA Visualization Conference.
  3. Bethel, E. W. (1995). Modular Virtual Reality Visualization Tools. Proceedings of the International Advanced Visual Systems User and Developer Conference (AVS95), 245–254.
  4. Horsman, J., & Bethel, E. W. (1995). Methods of Constructing a 3D Geological Model from Scatter Data. Proceedings of the International Advanced Visual Systems User and Developer Conference (AVS95), 395–404.
  5. Jacobsen, J., Bethel, E. W., Datta-Gupta, A., & Holland, P. (1995). Petroleum Reservoir Simulation in a Virtual Environment. Proceedings of the 13th Symposium on Reservoir Simulation (SPE). https://doi.org/10.2118/29118-MS


  1. Bethel, E. W. (1994). Chemical Flooding in a Virtual Environment – A Survivor’s Guide to VR Development. Proceedings of the International Advanced Visual Systems User and Developer Conference (AVS94), 299–309. https://www.osti.gov/biblio/10150939
  2. Bethel, E. W., Jacobsen, J., & Holland, P. (1994). Site Remediation in a Virtual Environment. In R. J. Moorhead, D. E. Silver, & S. P. Uselton (Eds.), Visual Data Exploration and Analysis, Proceedings of SPIE 2178 (pp. 78–87). https://doi.org/10.1117/12.172079


  1. Bethel, E. W. (1993). Illustrated Techniques. In P. R. Keller & M. M. Keller (Eds.), Visual Cues: Practical Data Visualization (pp. 39–42). IEEE Computer Society Press.
  2. Bethel, E. W. (1993). Analytic Rendering of Curvilinear Volume Data. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.


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  1. Bethel, E. W., & Uselton, S. P. (1989). Shape Distortion in Computer-Assisted Keyframe Animation. In N. Magnenat-Thalmann & D. Thalmann (Eds.), State-of-the-art in Computer Animation (pp. 215–224). Spring-Verlag. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-4-431-68293-6_17